5 steps to better results with ChatGPT & Co.

When people talk about how to get better results with generative AI tools like ChatGPT, they often gravitate towards lists of ready-made prompts. These proven instructions are supposed to produce the desired results like a magic spell. I understand the appeal: It can seem hard to come up with your own winning prompts. It’s disheartening … Read more

Example: How to write more efficiently with AI

I am not a fan of having articles written by AI alone. In my experience, it still works much better to think of these services as tools and assistants. In that moment, they don’t do the work for you. Instead, they help you do certain tasks faster and more efficiently – including writing. Here’s an … Read more

How I create this website with the help of AI

I don’t just write about generative AI in my Smart Content Report. I also use these tools myself. It’s a good way to find out what works and what doesn’t. At the same time, this site would not be possible without the help of my AI assistants. After all, I don’t make any money from … Read more

Don’t leave writing to AI

I am fascinated and excited by generative AI tools like ChatGPT and others. But it leaves me speechless at times when I see how they are used. Recently, I tried AI plugins for WordPress. (German article, automatically translated with Google Translate. If you want to know more about this topic: I am currently working on … Read more

Is AI a product or a feature?

Currently, there are two main trends in the AI market: AI as a product and AI as a feature. AI as a product mainly comes from startups like OpenAI, Anthropic, Ideogram, or Runway. You create an account and usually pay a monthly subscription fee to use these tools. Often, there is a free trial access … Read more

The question I always ask myself about new tools and services

I often see discussions about the purpose and benefits of AI tools revolve around whether or not they can completely do your job. The answer is often clear: no, they can’t. If you want, you can always find a way to make AI look stupid. In a way, this is even helpful: you should always … Read more

How the term artificial intelligence is misunderstood

When discussing artificial intelligence, we must not lose sight of the term “artificial”. In my opinion, there is too much discussion about whether an AI like ChatGPT is “really intelligent”. But that’s not the point. To explain it with a comparison: Is an artificial rose the same as a real, natural rose? No, not at … Read more

How to trick your AI assistant into giving honest feedback

One of the uses of my many AI assistants is to help me improve my own posts. For example, I ask if I have thought about the most important topics and questions, if the whole thing is logically structured and written in an understandable way. AI tools are actually quite good at this. They have … Read more

Why ChatGPT & Co. sometimes fail spectacularly at certain tasks

In a previous Smart Content Report, I featured a funny illustrated guide generated by ChatGPT’s Dall-E: I find such “failures” interesting to see, because they can reveal fundamental problems. For example, we are still a long way from an AI that actually understands the world around it (“General World Model”). At the moment, these tools … Read more

PSA: AI detectors are “neither accurate nor reliable”

There are many services that claim to be able to recognize AI text with “99% accuracy” – without providing any proof. At the same time, there are services that claim to adapt AI texts in such a way that no detector can recognize them. Both cannot be true at the same time. Granted: I can … Read more