How to trick your AI assistant into giving honest feedback

One of the uses of my many AI assistants is to help me improve my own posts. For example, I ask if I have thought about the most important topics and questions, if the whole thing is logically structured and written in an understandable way. AI tools are actually quite good at this. They have … Read more

Why ChatGPT & Co. sometimes fail spectacularly at certain tasks

In a previous Smart Content Report, I featured a funny illustrated guide generated by ChatGPT’s Dall-E: I find such “failures” interesting to see, because they can reveal fundamental problems. For example, we are still a long way from an AI that actually understands the world around it (“General World Model”). At the moment, these tools … Read more

PSA: AI detectors are “neither accurate nor reliable”

There are many services that claim to be able to recognize AI text with “99% accuracy” – without providing any proof. At the same time, there are services that claim to adapt AI texts in such a way that no detector can recognize them. Both cannot be true at the same time. Granted: I can … Read more

When ChatGPT’s answers are not good enough …

… then try an alternative! Here is a concrete example: I wanted to use an AI assistant as a programming helper. Years ago, I tried to learn about iOS development. The main driver was an idea for a fairly simple Apple Watch app. I diligently studied Treehouse for a few weeks and thought I was … Read more

How AI tools have changed my work as a content creator

The hype around AI is certainly overblown at the moment. But that doesn’t change the fact that AI tools have permanently and profoundly changed the way I work as a content creator. By way of background, I am a journalist by training. Since 1999, I’ve worked almost exclusively online, and since 2015, mainly as a … Read more

What is the equivalent of spam for AI-generated garbage content?

Just as unwanted junk advertising is commonly known as “spam”, unwanted AI-generated junk content could be called “slop”. At least, that’s the opinion of Simon Willison, who noticed the term and suggested it in a blog post. And I think it fits very well. He points out that not all AI-generated content is automatically slop: … Read more

Do you make this mistake with ChatGPT & Co.?

In my opinion, many who are discovering AI tools like ChatGPT and others for their content marketing are making a big mistake. And it will soon come back to bite them. What I mean is this: With ChatGPT, for example, I can draft an article much faster than I could without it. Sometimes it feels … Read more

Can ChatGPT meme?

Redditor ForceTypical asked ChatGPT to come up with memes. As expected, the results are strange.

AI turns dull license text into ballad

Give it a listen. It’s a gimmick, sure, but at the same time it shows the current state of a music AI like very nicely.

Which AI is the best? This question makes less and less sense

The question of the best AI is like the question of the best car. If there was a single best car, we wouldn’t need so many different categories of cars. The same can be said of the best laptop or the best camera. Of course, we can come up with a set of criteria and … Read more